Összesen 16 db eredmény
1. hely: MLK Ground Appearance - Homok
1. hely: Pamplemousse Dressage Championship - Kezdő
1. hely: Ponyisland II. Only One Picture Appearance + Abszolút győztes
1. hely: Ponyisland Appearance in Europe (6-7 éves lovak)
1. hely: Dressage in Europe - Hollandia kat.
1. hely: Salyza Dressage Evening (kezdők)
1. hely: Salyza One Picture is Enough Küllemverseny
1. hely: Syneline Képmennyiség Küllemverseny
1. hely: Carte D'or Versenysorozat (Díjlovaglás, kezdők)
1. hely: Dance Style Appearance (Mének)
2. hely: I. Wonder Appearance (Pejek)
2. hely: IV. Santa Fe Appearance
3. hely: Chiaro di Luna Season Appearance
3. hely: Endless Summer Cup (Díjlovaglás)
3. hely: Dressage & Show Jumping in London
5. hely: Run to Dawn Appearance
8x Elite, 5x Best, Best Dressage Horse, Pamplemousse Champion, 5th on Run to Dawn Appearance, Beauty Appearance Horse, Legszebb Homok Kategóriájú Ló, 2x Most Beautiful Horse in Ponyisland, 1st Placed of II. Only One Picture Appearance, Absulute Winner II. Only One Picture Appearance, 1st Placed on Appearance in Europe, The Best Dressage horse in Europe, Ponyisland Champion, 1st Placed Dressage horse in Europe, Good, 3rd place on Dressage & Show Jumping in London, 2nd Placed off I. Wonder Color Cup of Wonder Equestrian Center, 1st placed in Image Quantity Appearance from Synline
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