Shakid Safar eredményei
Összesen 8 eredmény
Patanevelde - Happy B-day! Olympic Games - küllem kat. I. helyezett (Best, Best Horse in Paradise Stables, Olympic Winner)
Aurora Lovaspark - The Hunger Games App. I. helyezett Best, Best Appearance Horse in AL, 1st in the hunger games app.)
Monarchia Lovasközpont - Plain-Colored Horses Appearance mén kat. II. helyezett (Beautiful Horse of PCA)
Mistral's Magánistálló - Animation Films App. 'The Brave' kategóriában III. helyezett (Good, Good Cremello Horse in M'sM)
Windmill Hoof Meadows - Halloween App. mén kat IV. helyezett
Windmill Hoof Meadows - Welcome Winter App egyéb kat IV. helyezett
Windmill Hoof Meadows - Champion for the Others 2. csoport IV. helyezett
Race Wish Magánistálló - XVIII RW Küllem (Horses of Rock App) progressive rock kat. különdíjas (Special Prized horse of progressive rock, Special coloured horse of horses of rock appearance of race wish)
Good Cremello Horse in M'sM
Special prized horse of progressive rock
special coloured horse of horses of rock appearance of race wish
Beautiful Horse of PCA
Best Horse in Paradise Stables
Olympic Winner
Best Appearance Horse in AL
1st in the hunger games appearance
Nice Jack O Latern Horse
Nice in Welcome Winter App